LIVING WATER is the key to optimal and sustainable health
We consist of 60-80% water and it controls all the body's functions and systems. Surveys show that 75% of the population are dehydrated. Dehydration can lead to significantly limited energy production and poorer health.
Humans need to become aware of the importance of the right kind of water in terms of health as it affects personal health, energy and our mental well-being.
By simply replacing our tap or bottled water with water that has the same properties as spring water, that also holds the properties that's intended for us to ingest, we can experience major differences in our well-being, directly and in an extension.
Creating optimal conditions for health such as having higher energy levels, stronger immune system and higher mental vitality - increases growth on several levels both individually but also the collective climate within, for example, an organization.
On the private level, everything changes when optimal health is created by changing our basic physical essence - water.

THE Problem
When we understand how much impact the right kind of water has on people's physical and mental well-being, we hold the key to unlocking a huge performance potential.
Today, poor health and disease rules society and the climate, every second person suffers from ailments, known or in silence. Both physical and mental illness are rising every year.
There is a perception that it can be costly to take care of your health, but when you add up the costs of being sick, we quickly realize that staying in good shape is not very costly compared to it.
We humans consist of 60-80% water and water is crucial for all processes in our bodies and all activities we do in life. The body uses water to maintain a normal rate of the body's degradation process as living water has an antioxidant effect on the body. If we do not have sufficient hydration / supply of water, the degradation process will go significantly faster and this can have many unwanted physical and mental effects and on aging.
Drink more water - we are used to listening to, to assist with ourhealth, it is thought. However, with today's water, it is difficult to absorb tap water, bottled water and even well water to the level we need to be fully hydrated. Even if we drink enough water, the absorption capacity is usually limited. And most of the time oxidizing due to a lack of charge.
All the body's processes and systems depend on the water that is deep into the cells to have a negative charge. Today, due to the way it is treated, water has a strong positive charge and a structure that prevents the water from passing into the water channel into the cell, which can create dehydration and imbalances that lead to various symptoms or even to disease.
Studies show that 92% of people in the modern world are chronically dehydrated and there are many symptoms that indicate dehydration which one might not think is caused by dehydration. Below you will find a short list of some of these symptoms that we can also naturally understand affect work ability and general well-being.
Tiredness and exhaustion (many burned out are actually severely dehydrated)
Poor sleep
Concentration and wit
Brain fog
Moodiness or anger issues
PMS Impaired kidney function and stones
Pain in the body
Poor immune system
Stomach and intestinal problems
High blood pressure, high pulse, myocardial infarction
Gratuitous or loss of motivation
Decreased joy or even depression
Anxiety, worry, exaggerated fears Exacerbates conditions such as ADHD, autism, bipolar and other mental difficulties. Sometimes poor hydration can also be a contributing factor to the appearance of these symptoms in the first place.
The brain consists of about 80% water and the brain also consumes 30% of all the nutrition and energy we consume. If we are dehydrated, there is a high chance that the blood's ability to deliver nutrients to the brain is reduced. If the water is lacking of proper energy and charge this highly affects our ability to process thoughts and emotions. Through this, we can understand that a dehydrated and nutrient-poor discharged brain is most likely considerably more limited in its capacity than a well-hydrated and charged one.
Our bottled water, food and even air today also contains a lot of chemicals that our bodies are not made to handle, so having clean and charged water reduces the amount of chemicals added to the body and gives the body a chance to clean out any chemicals stored in the body's tissues over time.
Other bottled waters actually contain too little minerals and may act as a demineralisation for your body.
A high-quality Japanese water technology that mimics the properties of the water in the most potent springs on Earth.
Living Water
On earth, there are a handful of springs man has wandered to since the beginning of time to partake of its potent properties. The water is clean, has a strong negative charge and the correct structure to be able to pass into the water channel of the cell. ​
Japanese people have a culture of working with preventive health instead of focusing on emergency care like the West, they started researching this water a long time ago. ​
50 years ago, a prestigious Japanese company was founded that manufactures a high-quality water ionization technology that creates the exact properties present in these sources. The properties create a water called "Living Water". The water from this technology is called Kangen water (trademark). ​
Strong antioxidant
Living water is formed naturally through constant movement, electricity from the ground and minerals and is one of the most important aspects for life. Water in its natural form possesses antioxidant properties that counteract the degrading processes in the body caused by things like stress, chemicals and unhealthy lifestyles and has a great antioxidant potential.
Deeply Hydrating
Living water has the exact right structure that makes it easy for the water to be absorbed. 6 times better absorbtion. So it has a deeply hydrating effect that allows the body's gears to spin optimally since almost every process in the body requires water. ​And with a strong negative charge, it moves in to our mitochondria and gives them the ability to work on full capacity as well instead of depleating us.
Naturally Cleansing, Detoxing and Energizing
When we are fully hydrated and have enough negative charge in the cells, the body can begin to focus on healing and clearing out waste products. This also creates a higher ability for the mitochondria in the cells to start producing energy, not many people know that the body's energy production is largely dependent on negatively charged water! ​
Today, over 2 million people own a machine and they can be found in many hospitals and clinics worldwide. This number is quickly changing since more and more people start to understand the importance of drinking the right kind of water.
A cost-effective water technology that can give back enormously on several levels
​This technology is the future, it has been a huge asset for individuals, businesses and hospitals for 50 years. The water benefits health on both physical and mental levels and this in turn has a great potential to optimize climate, zest for life, performance, results and environment as it also has several environmental certifications.
A medically classified technology used by leading doctors, physicians, nutritional therapists and clinics worldwide.

The company we are distributors for has both environmental and quality certifications, the quality is so high that the technology lasts up to 25-50 years if you follow the instructions for maintenance. The machine is medically classified, which provides security in both its durability but also in performance and effects. The fact that it is available in so many clinics around the world shows that it can live up to its reputation.
Leading in preventive health care use to clients and patients daily
Dr. Hiromi Shinya is ranked as top 10 best doctor in the world.
For most of his time as a doctor, he saw patient after patient needing no other form of treatment than attending a program with living food and a large amount of living water. 80% of his patients did not need any other treatment.
Shan Stratton works with the highest paid athletes in the world
One of the world's best nutritional therapists who works as a coach for NBA, NFL, MLB, PGA, LPGA, NASCAR, NHL,NY YANKEES, AZ DIAMONDBACKS, HOUSTON ROCKETS, LA DODGERS and many more. He has worked with countless famous athletes such as Kurt Warner, Maria Sharapova, Reggie Jackson, Cynthia Cooper and so on. He says drinking Kangen water is the missing link to overall health and performance for athletes. His clients get significantly better results in their performance when they implement the water in their exercise.
Dr. Corinne Allen works with severely brain-damaged people and people with different mental health challenges
This deeply competent woman works with the brain and how water, among other things, has an effect on our brain and mental state and has seen incredible improvements in her clinic where she treats patients with brain problems both physically and mentally.
Click on the button to look at a large document with much research on the water used to treat different ailments.
Here you can see a trailer about the water. Or call to ask for more.
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